Putting Smiles On The Faces Of The Needy

Every good act is a smile. A man’s true wealth hereafter is the good that he does in this world to his fellows.

Healthy Food

Our goal is to help provide healthy food to as many of the needy in the communities we can reach.


We seek to advance education in deprived communities so that children can have better futures.


We believe that quality healthcare should be attained by every individual regardless of their economic status.

Pure Water

We aim to provide quality drinking water to communities which lack.

Love & Care

We show love and care to the aged, orphans and the needy in communities through our various building and home projects.

Provision of Jobs

We seek to better the lives of people through our various training programs and offering capitals for startups in rural communities.

Featured Projects

Construction of Two Bedroom House For Two Orphans

Provision of School Uniforms To Needy Students

Free Entrepreneurial Skill Training

Help us change people's lives by donating.

Our Volunteers

Kwabena Adu-Poku


Pastor Naphtali O. Yeboah

National President

Elizabeth Oppong Yeboah

Public Relations

Stephen Adarkwa



Words from people

Comfort Nketiah Memorial Foundation has done a lot for the people of Dormaa East District in the short period that they have been here.
Hon. Emmanuel Kofi Agyemang, DCE Dormaa East
It is without doubt that CNMFoundation would be a great help for the needy in the future to come. Their impact on this district in this short period that they've been here is a testimony.
Dr. Quarshie,
Wamfie District Hospital
The influence of Comfort Nketiah Memorial Foundation is not limited just to their beneficiaries but to all of us.
Their impact is immense.

Nana Owusu Aduamire,
Dormaa Akwamu Sanaahene